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 Lunatic Surfer or Destiny  

About the book  by Donald

Lunatic Surfer or Destiny is my life story up until I was 56 ish.  Alot of it was sheer hell and survival, just like a heavy surf session where life and death situations hit you head 

on.  No backing out. Deal with it.  You don't have a clicker to change the channel.  You learn as you go or you die.  Life gets like that for some of us, a little too often.

'More than been there... and back... emroidered the T-shirt... wrote the book - Donald's done enough living for both of us. Soft cover, hard core...' - Deon Bing

'Donald has a voice that goes into forceful detail, grippingly describing hard times and drifting intoamazement at what is going on around him.' - Craig Jarvis

'A riveting read about the highs and lows of an unconventional lifestyle as seen through the eyes of a '60's surfing icon and recovering extremist.' - Paul Botha

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The book was well received by the global surfing community as many surfing magazines had a few words to say about it. Although surfing is a major theme in the book, essentially its an autobiography from down the rabbit hole... And just as you dont have to be able to play guitar and sing to understand Anthony Kiedis's book (lead singer of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers), the theme is based on topics like substance abuse and it can be read by people from all walks of life.

There is a great amount of wit thrown around with heavy topics like catholicism and suicide, making it both a hard hitting but light easy reading at the same time.  

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